Earlier this year, Videojet shared a Safety notification as a precaution to inform you about a quality issue with certain Power Supplies (Videojet part number 355026) manufactured or sold from the period January 2011 to February 2015 used with Videojet Excel, PC70, PC80, and 2100 printers. This notice only relates to Videojet Excel, PC70, PC80, and 2100 printers; it does not affect any other Videojet printer models.
Videojet has performed a comprehensive root cause analysis and has identified the potential issue we believe may be affecting certain Power Supplies. We are now launching a replacement program.
Replacement Program
As part of Videojet’s commitment to quality and safety, Videojet will replace free of charge any Power Supply produced in 2011 or Power Supplies with specific identifiers. (See identification procedure named Legacy Excel HV Power Supply Identifiers.pdf).
Online Form
Use the online form below to submit your information for onsite service or part exchange. A customer service representative will contact you to complete the request. Prior to completing the form, carefully review the power supply identification procedure named Legacy Excel HV Power Supply Identifiers.pdf to properly identify power supplies eligible for exchange.
If you have any questions, please contact the Videojet Service team at 800-843-3610.